VGRA Anti hijack tips

Keeping safe on the road

 Anti hijacking tips for residents

VGRA Anti-Hijack Tips


1. Always leave your window approx. 5cm open - if the window is

totally closed, it is easier for them to break!


2. Don't race to the robot if it is red - you get hijacked only when

the car is stationary - thus glide to the red robot, so there is only

a short time until the robot turns green.


3. Be very aware when going under bridges - they drop stones

onto your windscreen etc. forcing you to stop.


4. When the gun is put to your window - put both hands up facing

him - always allow him to see your hands otherwise he thinks you

are looking around for a gun and will shoot


5. If you have a kid, always put their car seat behind the driver's

seat, it is easier to get him out the car if he is behind you than

having to lean over and take him out the passenger side or walk

around the car to take him out the back seat behind the

passenger seat.


6. When driving up to your house, never park in your driveway

facing the gate, they can park behind you and park you in -

making it easier to get what they want. Always stop in the road

until the gate is open before you turn into your driveway. That

way, should anything look suppositious, you can drive off.


Remember to be aware of your surroundings at all times, be safe!

This Resource has been viewed 66 times.



I am the VGRA chairman

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