Domestic Workers UIF Meeting
We had a lovely morning. We had 42 ladies present today. Lovely turnout. They were very impressed with our speaker – she spoke that they understood.
Jacqueline explained that only those with SA IDs can apply for UIF.
What was disturbing is that UIF is not as efficient as we would like it to be. Claims can only be made when retrenched, not when resigned and after 3 months of non employment they no longer pay out and also a percentage is taken off the total amount.
Therefore the ideal is to open an account in the employee’s name and put the equivalent amount you would pay into UIF into that account. That way there will be interest and they are ensured to get their dues when they need to claim at the end of employment.
She also suggested that each employee should have a letter of employment stating the conditions of employment, times, baby sitting times, remuneration, leave and leave pay etc. We as employers need to be aware of that and put it in place.
She also said each should endeavour to have a good relationship with their employer; that’s good for both sides
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I am the VGRA chairman