Contributing Content
In order to assist us in providing you with the best possible content, we've developed the website to also allow you to contribute content. Its really simple to do, so please go ahead and help us make this a fantastic community platform.
Who can Contribute?
Anyone who is a registered member on the website can contribute content. Simply click on the 'Contribute' link on the top left of the page to get going (of course you need to logon first).
In order to control content contributions, you will have to apply to contribute content. This is necessary for the first time you contribute a specific content type.
When you apply, an email will be sent to the website administrator. They will email you back as soon your application has been approved.
Please bear with us in this regard, as we are simply wanting to make sure that appropriate content is posted to the website.
Comments and Tags
People using the website will be able to comment on your submitted content, further enriching the platform. If you agree (or don't agree) with the submitted content, let the rest of us know by adding your comment.
The more times a specific content submission is viewed, the higher it is ranked on the system. All submissions are tagged (with keywords) that allow people to easily search for specific content.
In addition, the system automatically displays related content (based on the tags) on the right hand column of the page.
Get going Now!
Itching to contribute?
Logon on now and click on the Contribute link at the top right of the page.
What can I Contribute?
Listed below are the various content types that can be posted to the website. When posting your content, you will need to complete the website form with information that complements the content submission.
People using the website will be able to comment on your submitted content. The more times your content is viewed, the higher it is ranked on the system.
Videos give you an opportunity to share fun videos with the community. You can also attach a set of pictures to your video.
Please note that our system fetches video's from YouTube, so you need to load them to YouTube first.
Photo Albums
Photo Albums allow you to upload a set of images to the website.
To do this, you first create the Album with you most important picture. Once the Album is created, you can add or remove pictures to your hearts content!
Resources are documents or information that is useful to the community as a whole (security issues, lists of services etc).
When contributing Resources, you can select whether you wish to upload a document or just type in the information.
Help us build a great library of useful information.
'News Items
News Items relate to any interesting and relevant community activity that takes place.
Let the rest of the community know whats happening around them.
Are you an Expert in a specific field. Share your knowledge and expertise with the community.
Our platform provides an online chat facility where members can communicate with you.
At a reasonable price, you can advertise your business or services to the community.
We will also be approaching business's in the area to advertise on the site.
Advertisements help build the VGRA fund.