Area | Beverley Gardens, Bryanston Extension 5, O’Summit and Vandia Grove suburbs |
Definition | “Resident” shall mean the legal owner and/or tenant of residential and business property in the area (2 above) |
Aims and Objectives |
Residents’ Meetings |
The Annual General Meeting will be held no later than three months after the Association’s year end. Fourteen (14) days written notice will be given. The agenda and supporting documentation will be circulated to all Residents. Residents can raise matters for discussion, in writing, not later than 7 days before the meeting. The agenda will be:
A Special Meeting can be called by the Chairperson, or a minimum of 14 Residents, at any time, if a matter of concern or an emergency has arisen. Seven days written notice will be given, together with any relevant documentation. Voting at all meetings will be by a show of hands unless the Chairperson decides upon a ballot. A quorum shall be 25 Residents. If insufficient Residents are present, the meeting will stand over for 7 days and then proceed irrespective of the number of residents attending. |
Management |
The residents, at each Annual General Meeting, will elect a Management Committee to control the activities of the Association. The Committee will consist of:
The Committee will consist of a minimum of eight members. The Committee will be enabled to co-opt any person/s to advice on any relevant matter. A quorum will be four members, including two from (a) above. The Committee will meet 10 times each year, but extra meetings can be called if special needs arise. The Committee shall have the power to buy, sell, let or hire, exchange, transfer, receive, by way of donation or otherwise, moveable or immoveable property and to invest funds in Banks registered under the Banks Act, in interest bearing accounts, and generally to deal with the property and funds, for the aims and objectives of the Association. Such transactions will be brought to the attention of Residents at the Annual General Meeting. |
Finance |
The financial year end shall be 31st March. The need for, and the amount of, any levy or subscription, will be determined by the Committee. Funds will be under the control of the Committee Bank account – The Committee will nominate four signatories, any two of which will jointly operate the account. Financial Statements will be presented at each Committee meeting. The annual accounts will include an audit certificate, preferably from a suitably qualified resident. In the event of the disbanding of the Association, the funds will be handed to the Community Policing Forum |
Amendment of the Constitution |
Any amendment of the Constitution must be proposed and seconded by at least six Residents and submitted in writing to the Secretary, for consideration by the Committee. Thereafter, the amendment will be included in the Annual General Meeting notice. To be incorporated in the Constitution, at least two thirds of the residents present must be in favour of its adoption. |
Adopted, as amended by Residents at a meeting on 14th March 2000.
As amended by residents at a meeting on 17th May 2007.